Friday 11 May 2012

The Lightning Man

'The Lightning Man Episode' - Pages 50 - 53

What feelings and reactions do you have to this episode?

After reading this passage I feel quite shocked. ‘The Lightning Man’ is symbolic of all the terrible things that have happened and the fact that it cannot be helped. The situation in this post-apocalypse is one where survival is the goal and where the world cannot be fixed to its former self, much like ‘The Lightning Man’. It also makes me feel quite sorry for the man as he always tries his best for his son and his son is now upset because he did not help the man, even though he could not.

What do you think might follow?

I think that ‘The Lightning Man’ could be an omen of things to come. In this post – apocalyptic world there seems to be danger round ever corner and this is the first episode where we are shown one of these dangers. There could also be a frayed relationship between the man and his son. After this event, the boy might not be as believing in them and this could affect their chances of survival.

What do we learn about the characters?

We learn quite a lot about the characters during this scene, we learn that the man is strong willed and is only concerned on the safety of himself and his son. We also learn that the boy is more compassionate, perhaps because he is young, and wishes to help those, even if he actually can’t.

How has the writer developed the characters?

This is the first episode in the book where the writer has actually developed the characters. Before this we knew very little about them and their personalities. All we know was that they were fighting for survival. However, now we know more about their personalities and what they are like, we also know more about the relationship between the man and his son.
What language techniques are employed to make this passage effective?

The techniques that the writer has used, such as short and undeveloped conversations so that not too much of their personalities is given away and by repetition of certain words used to make the characters seem as though they are not fully developed, are all very effective in achieving what the author intends.

Why do you think this is a key episode?

I think that this is a key episode because it is the first time that the characters are explored and developed. It is also a crucial scene because it could jeopardize the whole relationship between the man and his son.

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